Saturday, June 8, 2013

♪ Summer Playlist ♬

Hello everyone!
Well yesterday was my last day of junior year and all I can say is WOW. I can't believe that I'm finally a senior! Its been a long year filled with ups and downs but, I think overall my junior year wasn't all too bad. It still hasn't hit me yet but after going to graduation and saying goodbye to everyone, it all seems so strange. Its definitely bitter-sweet. Summer is here and only one more year left of high school. 

Anyways, I decided to share a little bit about my summer playlist. I am a huge music junkie and love to listen to pretty much anything. (Except Country music. Sorry for you country fans out there.) I enjoy mixing new and old songs and switching it up from season to season. So, I recently updated my ipod playlist and I thought I'd share. This is my top ten as of right now in no particular order. I usually change it up from week to week, though. Hope you enjoy!
Alissa xx


  1. I love your taste in music! I like a lot of different kinds too, except country haha. I do a song of the week and then overall music of the month on my blog. This is an awesome post!

    xx Grace

  2. Thank you so much! I checked out your blog and I love it. I'm happy to know that somebody is enjoying my blog!
