Junior Speech: Grace Through Weakness
Just a couple weeks ago I went on the Mexico Missions Trip with the school. My intention was to go with an open heart and just see what God had in store for me. When I got there I felt immediately loved and accepted by all of the little kids at the Casa. It was so beautiful to see all of these orphans who had so little, feel so much joy and love for everything and everyone. This really gave me a reality check. I realized that everything that these children were provided with was given to them by the grace of God. The kids didn’t have to worry about food, where they were going to sleep that night, or anything because by the grace of God they knew that someway somehow everything would turn out okay. This opened my eyes.
In my life, I have faced many challenges. I used to try so hard to attain perfection in everything that I did, that I became obsessed with the insignificant details of life. I was so hard on myself if I didn’t meet the standard I had set. I hardly gave God any room to move in my life. I was trying to meet all of my needs with my own ability, rather than simply relying on him. I felt like I was pushing against a wall, trying to break through to what I needed, but I never could.
Jesus laid his life down on the cross and died for us, so that we wouldn’t have to depend on our own ability. When he did this, he gave us grace. He knew that we couldn't make it on our own, so he made sure we didn’t have to. Isaiah 30:18 says, “The Lord longs to be gracious to us; he rises to show us compassion.” Sometimes it can be hard to give it all to him and rely on his grace, but that’s the beauty of it. Complete surrender. He adds his super to our natural and provides for us; if we accept his grace and allow him to move in our life.
When I think about grace, King David comes to mind. David was a teenager watching over his father’s sheep one day, and the next, he was slaying a giant. He became a hero to his nation, because he had learned to trust in God. He had witnessed God’s grace when he fought the lion and the bear while protecting his father’s sheep. He knew that with God’s ability he could do anything. God proved through David, that with his grace, anyone can do great things.
This was a hard concept for me to understand. Complete surrender? I couldn’t do that! What happens if it doesn't work? I went on trying to fight my own battles, but eventually I got to the point where I just couldn’t do it anymore. I broke down. In that moment, I felt like my whole world started to crumble to pieces. I gave up. I realized that no matter how hard I tried, everything I did would never be enough. I felt like I was drowning in a vast ocean with no escape. Alone. I was overcome by the dark waters swallowing me up. I cried out to him asking for his help. I needed him. I longed for my Father to wrap his arms around me and hold me. People often say that when you get to a point in your life where you hit rock bottom, there is nowhere to go, but up. When I got to that point I had no other option, I had to rely on his grace to carry me out.
This was a turning point for me. I knew that I had no choice but to put my whole situation in his hands and trust in his grace and overflowing love for me. Sometimes all you have to do is give up your pride, surrender your problems, and allow him to help you. He lifts us up out of our failure and gives us the power to push through what can seem to be a tough situation in our eyes. In 2 Corinthians 12: 9-10 God said to Paul, "'My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.”
A song that really spoke to me at the time was “Avalanche” by Hillsong. The song says, “I find myself here on my knees again. caught up in grace like an avalanche. Nothing compares to this love.” When I allowed God to take over, I literally felt like I was caught up in His grace. It was like getting that giant hug from a friend that you haven't seen in a long time. It was like coming home from a long trip from far away and seeing your family for the first time in what seems like forever. I was home.
When I look back on that difficult time in my life, I see that there was so much I could have done differently to keep myself from drifting so far away from God. I wish I knew then what I know now. Everyday I look to him in faith, and trust that he will guide me through the challenges that I may face. I allow God to take away what may stress me out or keep me from focusing on the bigger picture. He has a plan for my life. So, no matter what I may face, his grace will carry me through. My eyes are focused on him, and now I look to him in times of trouble.
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