Friday, September 13, 2013

Grace Through Weakness

Hello! Well today I was going through some old stuff that have have written in the last couple of years and thought I would share with you guys the speech that I did last year for my bible class. Happy Friday!

Junior Speech: Grace Through Weakness

Just a couple weeks ago I went on the Mexico Missions Trip with the school. My intention was to go with an open heart and just see what God had in store for me. When I got there I felt immediately loved and accepted by all of the little kids at the Casa. It was so beautiful to see all of these orphans who had so little, feel so much joy and love for everything and everyone. This really gave me a reality check. I realized that everything that these children were provided with was given to them by the grace of God. The kids didn’t have to worry about food, where they were going to sleep that night, or anything because by the grace of God they knew that someway somehow everything would turn out okay. This opened my eyes.
In my life, I have faced many challenges. I used to try so hard to attain perfection in everything that I did, that I became obsessed with the insignificant details of life. I was so hard on myself if I didn’t meet the standard I had set. I hardly gave God any room to move in my life. I was trying to meet all of my needs with my own ability, rather than simply relying on him. I felt like I was pushing against a wall, trying to break through to what I needed, but I never could.
Jesus laid his life down on the cross and died for us, so that we wouldn’t have to depend on our own ability. When he did this, he gave us grace. He knew that we couldn't make it on our own, so he made sure we didn’t have to. Isaiah 30:18 says, “The Lord longs to be gracious to us; he rises to show us compassion.” Sometimes it can be hard to give it all to him and rely on his grace, but that’s the beauty of it. Complete surrender. He adds his super to our natural and provides for us; if we accept his grace and allow him to move in our life.
When I think about grace, King David comes to mind. David was a teenager watching over his father’s sheep one day, and the next, he was slaying a giant. He became a hero to his nation, because he had learned to trust in God. He had witnessed God’s grace when he fought the lion and the bear while protecting his father’s sheep. He knew that with God’s ability he could do anything. God proved through David, that with his grace, anyone can do great things.
This was a hard concept for me to understand. Complete surrender? I couldn’t do that! What happens if it doesn't work? I went on trying to fight my own battles, but eventually I got to the point where I just couldn’t do it anymore. I broke down. In that moment, I felt like my whole world started to crumble to pieces. I gave up. I realized that no matter how hard I tried, everything I did would never be enough. I felt like I was drowning in a vast ocean with no escape. Alone. I was overcome by the dark waters swallowing me up. I cried out to him asking for his help. I needed him. I longed for my Father to wrap his arms around me and hold me. People often say that when you get to a point in your life where you hit rock bottom, there is nowhere to go, but up. When I got to that point I had no other option, I had to rely on his grace to carry me out.
  This was a turning point for me. I knew that I had no choice but to put my whole situation in his hands and trust in his grace and overflowing love for me. Sometimes all you have to do is give up your pride, surrender your problems, and allow him to help you. He lifts us up out of our failure and gives us the power to push through what can seem to be a tough situation in our eyes. In 2 Corinthians 12: 9-10 God said to Paul, "'My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.”
A song that really spoke to me at the time was “Avalanche” by Hillsong. The song says, “I find myself here on my knees again. caught up in grace like an avalanche. Nothing compares to this love.” When I allowed God to take over, I literally felt like I was caught up in His grace. It was like getting that giant hug from a friend that you haven't seen in a long time. It was like coming home from a long trip from far away and seeing your family for the first time in what seems like forever. I was home.
When I look back on that difficult time in my life, I see that there was so much I could have done differently to keep myself from drifting so far away from God. I wish I knew then what I know now. Everyday I look to him in faith, and trust that he will guide me through the challenges that I may face. I allow God to take away what may stress me out or keep me from focusing on the bigger picture. He has a plan for my life. So, no matter what I may face, his grace will carry me through. My eyes are focused on him, and now I look to him in times of trouble.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Fall Music Favourite

Hello everybody! I know it has been quite a while so I figured I best put up a new post. Well there has been a few bands that have really gotten their songs stuck in my head lately and I thought I would just share them with you all.

The first of these bands is OHO. OHO, is a European band that does absolutely beautiful work that just blows my mind. I have a hard time even explaining what their sound is like. Although I have known about them for a while, they still don't cease to amaze me. My favourite songs by them are "Ninth Pawn" and "Sito". They provide a chill, calm, relaxing listen. It's definitely part of my study playlist.

The second is the astonishing vocals of Shannon Saunders. All I can really say about this amazing lady is "wow her voice is unlike any other". I discovered Ms. Saunders one day while trolling the depths of youtube music and was so surprised by her voice my jaw dropped. <-- That does not happen to me too often.(: All I can say is that you should definitely check her out. Everything she does is AMAZING.

Last but, certainly not least the fantastic sounds of Bad Bad Hats. I don't know about you but, I'm one of those people who loves to jam out in their cars and sing all the words to every song... so, it's always nice to have something bubbly to sing along to. Anywho, this band just always seems to brighten up my day with their bright acoustic sound. Their new album was just released this year and I already can't get enough of it.

Well I guess that's about it for today! Please go and check out these bands if you like! I hope everyone is having a great week with back to school and all.

Thursday, June 13, 2013


Hey there! I hope everybody has been enjoying their summer! Well I thought that today I would take a little bit of time just to talk about a couple of places I have traveled over the years. Okay, so the first place that I think I should talk about is probably one of the coolest places I have been... China! Well I guess you could say that it's pretty amazing that I got the opportunity to go there since it's one of the most amazing countries out there. It helps when your dad is a part time missionary and loves to travel. 
I went to China a few years ago when they were hosting the Beijing Olympics. (These are just a couple of the cities I visited in China.)
Above is Xinghai square in Dalian. This was the second place I visited on my missions trip to China. Dalian is just east of Beijing. It's so close to Beijing, that I took an overnight train which, was probably one of the scariest things in my life. If you have ever been on an overnight train in a foreign country then, you know what I mean. Since Dalian is right on the ocean front, it had a pretty cool and breezy climate and was almost always sunny. (I realize that these are out of order. hahah.) It was here that we helped out an underground church and brought supplies to help with their ministry. In China, it is punishable by law to practice Christianity so, a lot of the churches there have to meet in secret and move daily. Dalian was a really amazing place to visit, it was also fun to get to run around the city with my good friend, Cherry. (I'll talk more about her later.)

On the left is what I'm sure all of you will recognize as the Great Wall of China! Well this was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. I got to walk over a couple of miles of it. I don't think there are even enough words to describe the view. I'll just say that if you ever get the chance to go see it, go. After, we took a pretty sketchy toboggan down the side of the mountain to get back into town. I'm not gonna lie, it was pretty scary. 

Since Beijing was the first place that we went to in China, I spent the most time here. I stayed at my friend Cherry's dorm just outside of town. Cherry is a student at a school in Beijing specifically for translators. She is currently finishing her courses in English and Japanese. By the time she finishes school, she will be fluent in six different languages. 

While I was in Beijing, I visited an orphanage in rural area of the city. I stayed there for about a week and a half. It was amazing to see all of those kids that came from so many different situations have so much love to give. I will never get tired of visiting and helping out at orphanages. I have a servant's heart and absolutely love missions with a passion. Just being there (even with the language barrier) was so inspiring. Seeing people who are so willing to give up their time, money, and effort to help these kids was just too much.

China is where I met one of the most inspirational people I know to date. I met Sky, the daughter of the head missionary at the orphanage. She told me all about why they started the orphanage, built it from the ground up and, told me about how grateful she was for everything that we were doing for them. Looking back I think that I have developed a whole new appreciation for everything that I have. I realize that this sounds super cheesy and stereotypical for someone to say after coming back from a trip like this but, God called us to be a light for Him and help others.  If we aren't doing this then why are we here?
Zacatecas, Mexico
I got this same feeling when I went on my most recent missions trip to Zacatecas, Mexico. I went on this trip with  my school this spring and can I say life changing? This trip really woke me up to how much I love missions. This was one of those trips that I was not as excited for simply because I have been so many places Mexico didn't seem like the most interesting place to go but, I went with an open heart and let me tell you that city truly stole my heart. I spent time at the orphanage there assisting the Casa moms (the wonderful women who donate their time to help the orphans), playing with the kids, helping out at the church and, doing projects to help the people who make it all possible there. 

This was an especially fun trip because unlike some of the other countries I have visited, I could actually understand what the kids were trying to say. (I've taken four years of Spanish and I have five million fluent Spanish speaking relatives.) This made it even more powerful being able to talk to them without having to use a translator. Anyways, here are just a few photos from the trip!
 View of Zacatecas 

 Julia wouldn't let go till I gave her one last piggy back ride

Painting nails at the Casa 

 Helping out at Sunday School

 Funny faces with Noe the little comedian

 Shoe shopping with sweet Yessica
This little girl right here met me the first day and never left my side. Saying goodbye to her was probably the hardest. 

Coloring at the Casa with makeup freshly applied
(They got a hold of one of the team member's makeup and decided to do their own, too.)
I spent about a week with these lovely kids in Mexico. Most of them were either abandoned or, abused by their family. Just playing and spending time with them at their home "the Casa," was so fun for me. They had so much love to give despite where they came from. Those kids taught me that no matter what happens you have a choice. You always have the choice to be happy and find beauty in everything. Even when life seems to be against you, He is always there.

I seriously can't wait till I can go on the same trip next year. Saying goodbye to these beautiful kids was so incredibly hard for me. Both of these trips really changed me. I will never stop going on missions trips because each time, they touch my heart more and more.

This is a really long post so, I'm just going to end with this. I challenge you to do something this week. Do something that will have positive impact on someone else's life. It doesn't matter how big it is just do it. You never know, it may bring you more joy then it brings them. 
Till next time,
Alissa xx

Saturday, June 8, 2013

♪ Summer Playlist ♬

Hello everyone!
Well yesterday was my last day of junior year and all I can say is WOW. I can't believe that I'm finally a senior! Its been a long year filled with ups and downs but, I think overall my junior year wasn't all too bad. It still hasn't hit me yet but after going to graduation and saying goodbye to everyone, it all seems so strange. Its definitely bitter-sweet. Summer is here and only one more year left of high school. 

Anyways, I decided to share a little bit about my summer playlist. I am a huge music junkie and love to listen to pretty much anything. (Except Country music. Sorry for you country fans out there.) I enjoy mixing new and old songs and switching it up from season to season. So, I recently updated my ipod playlist and I thought I'd share. This is my top ten as of right now in no particular order. I usually change it up from week to week, though. Hope you enjoy!
Alissa xx

Sunday, June 2, 2013

On My Mind

Ever feel like you are alone? Like you can't trust anyone? I have been dealing with this recently. (Not necessarily feeling alone but, feeling like the people who you loved have changed and you don't know who you can rely on.) Trust. Isn't this what relationships are supposed to be based on? I think that no matter what God is always there but, it's always nice to have one person that you can rely on.
I think that it can be hard to keep up with what others are feeling. I mean, I'm not God. I can't read minds. People should just say what's on their hearts. I realize that not everything should be spoken but, some things should. I'm gonna try to make a change with this. I'm one of those people who will keep things bottled up until I burst. This isn't exactly healthy and I do not encourage this. I don't know why I do it. I guess I have just been through a lot of stuff over the years.
Through it all the Lord has been with me, though. So I guess what I'm trying to say is that next time you have something on your heart that you really feel like you need to say to someone.. say it. I realize that this doesn't apply to everything. I mean don't say something horrible to someone but, be real. There is this quote that is hanging up in my room that I think fits in perfectly with this topic.
I hope that everyone had a great weekend!
Alissa xx

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Rainy Day Poetry Reading

I read this today and felt rather inspired. 
                        Beautiful rainy days = poetry reading.
"I carry you with me into the stillness into the shadows of the sun.
Here are my thoughts alight: tiny buntings settling in amid the distant sound of brass.
Dancing without moving, holding until holding feels familiar.
At dawn the urge to move again becomes so intense I take flight, emboldened by what you said that one fine morning.
                      TOGETHER is a place I won't soon forget."

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Finding My Place

Well hello again! I finally decided that it was about time that I actually wrote something on this blog of mine. (Please excuse me as I ramble on about what has been on my mind.) So as the end of my junior year approaches, I have found myself a bit lost. It's hard to make those decisions that effect your life forever, am I right? Visiting colleges, choosing a career, applying for scholarships, it's all quite scary if you think about it. It's even scarier when your whole world gets turned upside down like mine did this past week.

At the beginning my freshman year I figured out that I really wanted to be a nurse. I love helping people and thought that biology was interesting. *Nerd Moment* I was so excited to have my whole little world planned out. I would graduate high school, attend nursing school in California, and do my residency in the Bay Area. Now, I'm not so sure that's what I really want. I was at praise and worship this Friday at my school and I felt like God was trying to tell me something. "Slow down." After hearing that in my spirit, I asked myself: "Is this what I really want? Do I really want to do this be in this profession for the rest of my life?" This shocked me. I realized that maybe what I thought I wanted wasn't what I needed. Why is being a nurse no longer the right path for me? It was my plan, not His.

I'm definitely one of those people who tends to over-think things, so you can imagine how much this stressed me out. I am an analyzer. What can I say? I have dealt with anxiety problems my whole life. I always seem to have to worry about something. When I get stressed out, I try to speed through life and act like everything is okay. So if you ever see me walking really fast or awkwardly laughing at something.. there is really something else on my mind. I have always had a hard time just living in the moment. I have learned to control my anxiety more over the years, but I still have problems with it from time to time. 

Anyways, I've been praying about it these last couple of days and the Lord put this scripture on my heart: 
This made me realize that things in this life may come at us and try to take us down, but nothing can stop the plan that God has for your life. The same goes for me. I may not know what I really want to do after high school, but that's okay. I'll figure it out and when I do, I'll know that I'm in the right place because He put me there. 
Alissa xx

Sunday, April 21, 2013


Hi! I'm Alissa. I'm now a senior in high school just looking to find my place in this world. God and and the people that surround me are the most important things in my life. I've started this blog as an creative outlet for me to express my thoughts and share the things in my life that not only encourage, but inspire me. Beware, I may vent a little too. My only hope is that someone reading this will actually get something significant out of my blog. If you see something you like feel free to hit me up with a comment and subscribe.
Hope you enjoy! 
Alissa xx