Monday, September 9, 2013

Fall Music Favourite

Hello everybody! I know it has been quite a while so I figured I best put up a new post. Well there has been a few bands that have really gotten their songs stuck in my head lately and I thought I would just share them with you all.

The first of these bands is OHO. OHO, is a European band that does absolutely beautiful work that just blows my mind. I have a hard time even explaining what their sound is like. Although I have known about them for a while, they still don't cease to amaze me. My favourite songs by them are "Ninth Pawn" and "Sito". They provide a chill, calm, relaxing listen. It's definitely part of my study playlist.

The second is the astonishing vocals of Shannon Saunders. All I can really say about this amazing lady is "wow her voice is unlike any other". I discovered Ms. Saunders one day while trolling the depths of youtube music and was so surprised by her voice my jaw dropped. <-- That does not happen to me too often.(: All I can say is that you should definitely check her out. Everything she does is AMAZING.

Last but, certainly not least the fantastic sounds of Bad Bad Hats. I don't know about you but, I'm one of those people who loves to jam out in their cars and sing all the words to every song... so, it's always nice to have something bubbly to sing along to. Anywho, this band just always seems to brighten up my day with their bright acoustic sound. Their new album was just released this year and I already can't get enough of it.

Well I guess that's about it for today! Please go and check out these bands if you like! I hope everyone is having a great week with back to school and all.

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